Saturday 7 February 2009

A little bit about my life

Hey this is Lila!!!!

I'm like your average teen. I like going out with my mates, shopping and of course boys. I go to this err terrible school (all girls) and the teachers are just sooooo over the top. 

I'm 14 and nearly 15 in May. I have long brown hair and blue eyes. I'm your average 5 foot 6 and have size 4 feet. I love Holister and Jack wills (but it's to expensive). 

I also love fashion it's what i want 2 do when i'm older. I also love photography. There are of course the bitches at school. We call them the mean group. I'm not one of them, but they make fun of whatever walks past. 

I have my little group of friends. First there's Kristen she's a laugh. She's quiet loud but after a while you get used to it. Then there's charlie she's perfect (litterly) she has the perfect grades. beautiful (all the guys want to go out with her) and she's good at sports. After that there's Mara she is well a bit of a dork. Big feet, chokes while she laughs and dresses like she's from the 60s. 

I also haven't mentioned one little detial. I have never ever had a boyfriend in all my life. The true is i don't even know that many guys. and i want a boyfriend. 

My family is also crazy. My little brother is a pain, always trying to get me into trouble. Then there my mum, bonkers i tell u. She pratically isolates me!!!!! and then my dad strick and stubbon!!!!!! I also have a dog a great dane and she thinks she's a human so......

So now you know a little bit about me 

Keep on checking in on my blog to find out what happens in my life, i'll be writing mostly everyday!!!!! 

I'll help you with your problems and you can write to me and i'll advise you on what to do in situations. 

Love from 


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